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【独家】SFK LEBLANC (丹麦) 和NAWI BV(荷兰) 强强联盟


2013-09-04      来源:中国肉类机械网    
内容摘要:SFK LEBLANC, 原SFK Systems A/S(丹麦) 和NAWI BV(荷兰) 今天正式宣布两家公司进入最终合并协议阶段。新的公司以SFK LEBLANC的名字运行,将成为世界领先水平制作商之一,致力于高端屠宰工厂、红肉产业的分割剔骨生产线以及食品加工工业相关的物流解决方案的设备提供。
   SFK LEBLANC, 原SFK Systems A/S(丹麦) 和NAWI BV(荷兰) 今天正式宣布两家公司进入最终合并协议阶段。新的公司以SFK LEBLANC的名字运行,将成为世界领先水平制作商之一,致力于高端屠宰工厂、红肉产业的分割剔骨生产线以及食品加工工业相关的物流解决方案的设备提供。
  “我们非常高兴能和NAWI达成协议。我们一直坚信和NAWI公司的合并是对两家公司最好的政略选择。尽管两家公司实力都很强,但合并将让整个集团毋庸置疑成为更强大、更有效率的组合。”SFK LEBLANC总裁Ib Sand Nykj·r先生讲述到。
  “这是一个完美的组合”,NAWI的总裁 Stephan Toxopeüs 先生描述到。“企业的合并不仅带来了更丰富的知识和经验,而且使双方拥有一个崭新的全球地位和极具意义的经营协同效应。
  公司总部位于 丹麦Kolding市,全球范围将拥有总共超过500名员工,均致力于对红肉生产技术革新及研发。公司合并集SFKLEBLANC 和NAWI BV 的实力立志成为全球行业中领先供应商。
  新的SFK LEBLANC 将成为市场两个主要的品牌:针对牛羊线及物流解决方案的NAWI以及针对猪线和自动化理念的SFK LEBLANC.
  “我们对于未来的业务感到非常兴奋,将努力达成承诺让客户们满意:’从肉产品中得到更多的利益 ’。客户将对我们合作的团队有更多的期待。” Nykj·r先生总结到。
  NAWI(Borculo市,荷兰) 致力于食品行业流水线设备提供研发、生产和维修服务。拥有多年的经验和敬业的员工,NAWI致力于开发并提供全套中高档的牛屠宰线及物流解决系统,目前是欧洲市场行业排名第一。
  2013年5月宣布启动,SFK LEBLANC 重新确认的公司名来替代SFK Systems (Kolding市, 丹麦)和北美的分公司 G.E.Leblanc (魁北克市, 加拿大)。SFK Systems在超过80年期间已经在生产开发中高端红肉屠宰线及自动化解决方案领域上建立了世界范围的知名度。G.E. Leblanc被广泛认为是北美猪肉行业分割剔骨生产线的领先制造商。现在成为一个更强大的联盟,SFK LEBLANC 在丹麦、荷兰、加拿大、美国、中国和俄罗斯均有工厂和分公司。联合全球范围的代理商网络,我们通过和全球客户合作可以增强优化生产流程,从肉产品中得到更多的利润。
  SFK LEBLANC | Jesper B. Gade | T. +45 76 34 27 00 | E:
  NAWI | Boukje Vreman | T. +31 545 25 99 99 | E.
  SFK LEBLANC, formerly SFK Systems A/S, (Denmark) and NAWI BV (The Netherlands) today announced that they have entered into a definitive merger agreement. The resulting company, operating under the name SFK LEBLANC, will be one of the world’s leading manufacturers of high-end slaughter, cutting and deboning lines for the red meat industry and logistic solutions for the food processing industry.
  “We are pleased to have reached an agreement with NAWI. We have always believed that a combination with NAWI is the best strategic option for both companies. Although strong individually, the two companies are without question far more powerful and effective together”, says Ib Sand Nykj·r, CEO of SFK LEBLANC.
  “This is an ideal combination”, explains NAWI CEO Stephan Toxopeüs. “The merger not only brings an abundance of knowledge and experience, but also a new global status and a significant operating synergy, due to our matching product portfolio and market coverage.”
  With its global headquarters in Kolding (Denmark), the merger brings together more than 500 employees worldwide, all dedicated to developing innovative solutions for the red meat sector. The merger underlines the ambition of both SFK LEBLANC and NAWI BV to become the preferred global supplier within the industry.
  By joining forces, both parties will significantly strengthen their international position and expand their geographical coverage with new offices in key and growth markets.
  The new SFK LEBLANC will be marketing two major brands: NAWI for cattle, sheep and logistic solutions, and SFK LEBLANC for pork lines and automation concepts.
  “We are excited about our future and committed to fulfilling our promise to our customers: ’Getting the most out of meat’. With our combined team, our customers have a lot to look forward to”, concludes Nykj·r.
  About NAWI
  NAWI (Borculo, The Netherlands) develops, manufactures and maintains production lines for the food industry. With its many years of experience and a dedicated staff, NAWI is currently Europe’s number one in developing and supplying full-range medium- and high-end cattle slaughter lines and logistics solutions.
  Launched in May 2013, SFK LEBLANC is the newly formed identity of SFK Systems (Kolding, Denmark) and its North American subsidiary G.E.Leblanc (Quebéc, Canada). For more than 80 years, SFK Systems has built a reputation worldwide for producing innovative medium and high-end red-meat slaughter lines and automation solutions. G.E. Leblanc is widely regarded as the leading manufacturer of pork cutting and deboning lines for the North American pork industry. Now forming one strong unit, SFK LEBLANC has operations in Denmark, The Netherlands, Canada, USA, China and Russia. Together with a global network of agents, we work with customers globally to enhance and optimize the production process to get the most out of meat.
  For further information,  please contact our communication department:
  SFK LEBLANC | Jesper B. Gade | T. +45 76 34 27 00 | E:
  NAWI | Boukje Vreman | T. +31 545 25 99 99 | E.
关键词: SFK NAWI 联盟 红肉 加工
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